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Now learn the verse!
You're gonna murder these riffs.
Instrumental, atmospheric rock FFO: Explosions
Get in loser, we're going
Tomas drums in a parallel
Holy Wars meets Holy Land
Check out some live drum-cam
Check out some beautifully-shot clips
Svalbard? I hardly know her!
Check out some recently-unearthed film.
Newest 'Deth guitarist is living
She's a beauty!
Mikael plays piano, makes jokes;
Rehearsal footage, interviews, tracking clips,
You're gonna want to check
It's easier than you might
A tutorial for beginners.
Delta - we love to distort, and it shows.
Two Notes Audio Engineering's Torpedo Live unit is pretty impressive.
Arium? I barely know 'em!
This might be the scariest review you watch all week
Looking for a gorgeous and realistic piano sample library?
How do Kiesel's Lithium pickups stack up against the competition?
Watch a muscular young Santa Claus demo his way through his entire EBMM/SBMM line.
Who demo'd it better?
Does this wah rock or is Fluffer a nutter?
A JCM Series clone for around $200 used?
25 pedals + 8 styles of metal in an interactive shootout - pick the perfect pedal!
iRig Keys Pro for players on the go!
And Kirk Hammett wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
The play mechanics of the series have never been stronger. If only the surrounding mission were more interesting.
Glenn finds something he actually likes.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night - that's pretty brutal if you ask me.