FRONTIERER Obliterate Your F*cking Senses With “Bleak” Guitar Playthrough Premiere


Scottish metal and hardcore outfit Frontierer make the kind of music that just feels fucking good to listen to. Visceral, spastic instrumentation teamed up with cathartic screaming, this is a band that writes music without borders. And that couldn’t be more true with this guitar playthrough for their song “Bleak” by guitarist Pedram Valiani, off their debut 2015 record Orange Mathematics. Even after releasing their 2nd album last year Unloved and absolutely obliterating all expectations, the band’s older tunes still hold up to the same level of brutality and

In terms of the gear used, Valiani had this to say:

“The playthrough was recorded with an Ibanez RG7421 repainted in Metallic Orange with Bareknuckle Ceramic Nailbomb in the bridge and Cold Sweat in the neck – the whammy in the “wham cam” is Whammy V but the first record was recorded with an IV. On the record, we recorded directly through Axe-Fx but live we play a 6534+ and 6505 through Marshall and Bogner cabs. Recently, we’ve incorporated the Digitech Ricochet into our setup and we’re pretty heavy in our whammy use…there’s 7 in the band!”

In addition to the playthrough, Frontierer will also be releasing a 2nd pressed vinyl of Unloved and bonus track in early 2019, so be sure to keep your peepers, well, peeped.

Written by

Senior Editor at Gear Gods living in LA. Just trying to figure this whole music thing out, really.

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