Holy hell dude, it looks like you watched Glenn Fricker’s last “How to Get Your Band Ready for the Stage” video but you’re still bringing shame to yourself and your bandmates. Perhaps you’re even showing absolutely no class at the gig itself. But it’s cool: it’s not too late for you. What you need is another round of boot camp.
Every piece of advice included here is a nugget of wisdom I can absolutely get behind (although hey, some folks in these bands may have boyfriends that need to work the merch instead of girlfriends, but I can cut Glenn some slack here because he has a lot of anger that needs to be vented out and can’t be wasting time on verbosity). Just keep a sharp eye out for the most important tip that’s tucked away as a bonus: hold your fucking phones in landscape orientation while you’re filming a video, goddamnit people!
Missed part one of this feature? That might explain all that regret you had at your last gig. Get educated asap here.