Wrapping up a day of news on instructional books and videos, George Kollias (most notably as Nile’s drummer, but his discography is pretty expansive) is augmenting the content of his recent The Odyssey of Double Bass Drumming with some free video content.
The subtitle of the book is “Part I: The Beginning” (I would have put the prologue in part I and saved the beginning for part II, personally), and that’s reflected in this lesson. It certainly will mainly be useful for beginners. But if you’re just starting out behind the kit, or are a guitarist/bassist/vocalist that wants to surprise your bandmates with an impromptu kick explosion, here’s your first steps. Got to learn to walk and all that.
George’s book is available for €35. You can pick it up here.
hester kukk / June 19, 2014 11:49 am
Hey, look you stupid 15 year old deathcore fans, a real metal drummer.