Seen Mastodon live lately? The band has been killing it with a great setlist, support from bigwigs Gojira and Kvelertak, and of course their big rigs. Premier Guitar got to check in with the band and do one of the most thorough tours of the band’s rig to date, covering guitarists Brent Hinds and Bill Kelliher, as well as bassist Troy Sanders.
If you’re a newbie when it comes to Mastodon’s rig, this is pretty cool viewing. Both Brent and Bill have pretty stripped-down setups, leaning on pretty great meat-and-potatoes gear; Orange and Freeman cabs with Celestion speakers, Gibson Vs and Les Pauls, Ibanez Tube Screamers, etc. And of course, Brent’s aluminum Electrical Guitar Company Flying V is still hangin’ tough.
Some new additions to the band’s rig include Troy’s new signature Fender Jaguar bass, Brent and Bill’s new custom Lace pickup models, and those beautiful green Orange cabs. Check it out:
Vinny Iuspa / December 8, 2014 1:31 pm
I guess troy isnt using the tc blacksmith amp anymore. Interesting