Are you guys hip to new Relapse-signings, the Philadelphia punk/shoegaze/etc.-based band Nothing? I know people have been fawning over their debut Guilty of Everything, but I have yet to sit down and give the record a solid listen. I’m also generally pretty cautious about the new wave of 90’s/gazecore – bands taking pretty heavy influence across the board from Kurt Cobain, Kevin Shields, etc etc. But what I’ve heard from Nothing has been pretty cool.
Anyway, Run for Cover Records bought the dudes from Nothing a couple drinks and shot an interview with them about their rigs. See below for the footage, featuring bassist (and ex-con, from what the Internet chatter shows) Nicky Palermo and guitarist Brandon Setta bathroom in Allston, Massachusetts. Highlights include Bassett’s homeade noise pedal which allegedly took 14 years to solder, Setta’s Boss DD6 which he allegedly bought from a crackhead, and more.
KeithBC / December 20, 2014 7:29 pm
Foo Fighters called… they want their ‘Everlong’ royalty check
Maximus / January 1, 2015 1:12 pm