This video interview by our bros at Metal Injection flew a bit under the radar given the turbulent shit storm of news in the metal world these past few weeks, so I wanted to make sure that it got its due.
I interviewed Kevin Bernstein, owner, engineer, producer, and proprietor of Developing Nations Recording Studio in Baltimore, Maryland, last summer. Kevin’s been steadily building a seriously great back catalogue, having manned the boards for some sick albums by bands like Noisem, Mutilation Rites, Pianos Become the Teeth, Magrudergrind, Ilsa, and more. He’s garnered comparisons to producers like Kurt Ballou and Colin Marston. And he did some seriously great production work on one of my top albums of last year, Full of Hell & Merzbow. Seriously great.
The comparisons to Ballou and Marston are appropriate, sure – Kevin doesn’t make bullshit records. He records bands that know how to play. He doesn’t do triggered/sampled/mechanical music. But what I love about the albums that he makes is that despite how chaotic and gross they sound, he knows how to make bands sound like themselves. Where Ballou gets more of the catchy/riff-y hardcore bands, and Marson gets the experimental/note-y bands, Kevin gets the smelly ones. And he makes them smell even smellier. In other words, he’s doing his own thing. Check out Frank’s interview with Kevin at his spot below:
You should also check out a sick track from the upcoming Meek is Murder EP that Kevin recorded earlier this year below: