Are you all well-acquainted with Dweezil Zappa? Son of Frank (in turn Son of Mr. Green Genes), who has been touring the world with his ridiculously sick project Zappa Plays Zappa? The concept is simple – a rotating cast of ridiculously sick musicians play selections of Frank Zappa’s music. Like such, which features Zappa-graduate Steve Vai:
Dweezil and brother Ahmet also have a pretty classic series of appearances on Conan O’Brien’s late night show back in the 90’s, which are consistently entertaining:
Anyway, Dweezil’s got a new video series coming out on TrueFire, “Dweezology: Phrase Generators.” A gift for titles clearly runs in the Zappa family. And in typical 2015 fashion, TrueFire has released a number of free lesson clips to give you a taste of what to expect from this series. They all focus, in effect, on ways to flex your pentatonic skills.
Now, in a sense I think these lessons are actually more confusing in the long run than they are thorough (for the latter, please see the old John Scofield lesson I posted a few weeks back), but they can definitely serve as a jumping-off point if you are having trouble getting out of the “pentatonic box” as Dweezil calls it, and aren’t quite ready to dive into deeper guitar theory. But check them out below and judge for yourself!