If You Enjoyed that Classical “Master Of Puppets” Cover, Here’s Deftones “Minerva”

A little while back classical piano virtuoso Vika Yermolyeva had a killer cover of “Master Of Puppets” that went viral, but I passed on posting about it because for some reason the video was a couple years old when it hit that critical mass. It was pretty great though so I recommend checking it out.


However, she’s returned with a nice Deftones cover, for the song “Minerva.” I figure now I can throw her some props for this new jam as well as the old one, since now we’re being nice and timely. Because if there’s one thing metal music nerds demand, it’s punctuality.

And since piano covers are always improved by having a proper frame of reference, I’m including the original Deftones video. You’re welcome.

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Chris Alfano has written about music and toured in bands since print magazines and mp3.com were popular. Once in high-school he hacked a friend's QBasic stick figure fighting game to add a chiptune metal soundtrack. Random attractive people still give him high-fives about that.

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