Ever since the departure of all of the Faceless from the Faceless, I’ve been most curious as to where bass phenom Evan Brewer was going to end up. After all, he’s easily one of the very best bass players in any genre, much less just metal, and him joining a band is generally a solid indicator of it’s quality.
I was less curious about Navene Koperweis, only because his departure from Animals as Leaders was not nearly as fresh in my mind (having been nearly 3 years ago) but essentially the same rule applies – anything he’s a part of has to be off the hook, because otherwise why would he bother?
Well, I got my answer today – ENTHEOS. This new band has only just finished writing and demo-ing their first EP, but the lineup alone has be intrigued – rounding it out are Systems vocalist Chaney Crabb (who famously auditioned for Veil of Maya this year) and former Animosity guitarist Frank Costa. Their page promises an EP for us this coming March.
Looking again, that’s 3 former members of Animosity, 2 former members of the Faceless, and a very brutal partridge in a pear tree (and a long term relationship with Navene). Here come the shreds!
Check them out on their Facebook page, cuz that’s all you’re gettin’ for the moment.