MAMMOTH – “The Hilarity of Singularity” Guitar Playthrough

I like it when things get a little weird. You know those instances, where half of your brain is like “I… I don’t… umm… ok,” but the reptilian core is just powering through what you’ve witnessed, pretending everything is normal. It’s like an existential BSOD. Those moments are my jam. And this Mammoth guitar playthrough has plenty of those moments.


I’m gonna be honest, I hadn’t listened to Mammoth before I watched this. Sure glad I did listen though, this is great prog/metal/experimental music. And straight onto my Spotify ‘Cool Stuff’ playlist, it goes.

I also think this might be the first song in the history of recorded music to actually use one of those auto-wah things. It seems like every multi-fx unit has the token auto-wah preset that you catch while scrolling through them aimlessly. It’s always super deep in the preset bank because even the manufacturer is embarrassed that goofy shit is on there. But damn, it can actually sound cool. Who’d have thunk?! That’s got to be a credit to this dudes playing and writing.

Is auto-wah a trend in metal that I’m unaware of? Is auto-wah the next HM-2? Watch this space.

Check out Mammoth’s other stuff on bandcamp. Their brand new album literally just came out and it’s all this good/freaky.

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Demigod Zeke studies marketing & economics and produces his friends’ disgusting slam bands.

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