Ilja of THE HIRSCH EFFEKT Crushes This Bass Playthrough of “Lifnej”


Resident string slappist Ilja John Lappin of The Hirsch Effekt is everything I’m not. He has the bass I want (and is way better at playing it), his band is cooler than mine, he can pull off that hair like it’s nothing…the list goes on. I’m probably just butthurt about how fucking cool this bass playthrough of “Lifnej” is. It’s so goddamn good.

Ilja’s technique is pretty flawless here. He plays the song like he is walking down the street. And he plays with a tenacity that makes me want to run away. It’s almost terrifying how good of a player Lappin is. And the song is a classic banger. This thing pleases every sense. Even taste.

“Lifnej” comes to our graces from the band’s most recent effort Eskapist, which you can find on their very German website here. These guys are next in line for the math-y throne that DEP left behind. If you’re in Europe, don’t miss them. Check out dates and details on their Facebook page.

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Writer with a degree in Recording Technology. Nothing about my background gives me the credibility to relay any of this information to you. But here we are.

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