HAKEN – Guitarist Charlie Griffiths Takes a Trip to “1985” in This Playthrough


Haken guitarist Charlie Griffiths turned quite a few heads when he traveled back to the mid-’80s with his 8-string Kiesel Vader. Technology is amazing, isn’t it? Who would’ve thought that in 2017 we’d be able to shoot guitar playthroughs in the past. Aspiring musicians/YouTubers take note: time travel is a tool and a friend. Use it wisely, as good guy Charlie Griffiths has done.

“1985” is a track from Haken’s 2016 release, Affinity. It’s a “musical eras as we know them” bending little ditty, with hearty helpings of guitar and synthesizers fit for a cheesy ’80s action movie. Juxtapose all that with modern prog metal and you’ve got “1985.” Not literally. The song. There’s even some retro Transformer toy action in this beauty, and pastel-bordered picture-in-picture shots. An Empire Strikes Back tee…wait, is this? It can’t be, can it?

Questioning my sanity aside, Haken are heading out on a European headliner March 22nd to celebrate their 10th anniversary as a band. I’m not sure where 10 years falls on their temporal plane, but for us it’ll be good ol’ 2017. If you’re not European, aren’t aware of Haken, or both, give their official website a cruising and toss them a listen, yeah?


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Gear Gods intern Maxwell studied English at Cal Poly Pomona and has since realized life ain’t all about semicolons and syntax. He’s studying audio now, and will probably judge your music taste before your grammar.

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