Back in November we premiered a bass playthrough for The Great Discord, the self-proclaimed “progressive death pop” from Sweden, and one of the weirdest bands I’ve come across in a while. I guess at this point I’m kind of jaded about metal that sounds gimmicky (thank god crap The Browning never became a thing), but The Great Discord make legitimately weird music. Like, this doesn’t sound like Jared Dines covering a Miley Cyrus song “death metal” style.
Get a taste for yourself, with another exclusive playthrough – this time by drummer Aksel Holmgren on the track “L’homme Mauvais,” below. As an added bonus, according to Reddit, Aksel played in (or still plays in?) Ghost for a little while after they released their first album. Check it:
The Great Discord’s new album Duende is out now via Metal Blade. Pick up your copy here.