Exclusive Bass Playthrough: The Great Discord, “A Discordant Call”

It’s been a while since a truly head-scratching album has hit my (inbox), and that’s exactly what Swedish “progressive death pop” outfit The Great Discord‘s new one, Duende, is. Their genre label isn’t some ironic, hollow, or cute tagline – it’s literally what their music sounds like. Like, this stuff really does mix the kind of single-note runs you’d find in British progressive rock of the 70’s with the kind of operatic-poppy vocal style pioneered by bands like Dream Theater, and then sprinkles the music with dissonant and 0000 death/deathcore riffs.


Weird shit. Bet you guys will dig it. We teamed up with the band to premiere a new bass playthrough video for the song “A Discordant Call.” Hats off to bassist Rasmus Carlson, who really knows how to hold things down in a band that requires a tight, straightforward rhythm section.

Check out the video below:

Duende is out now on Metal Blade. Snag a copy here.

Written by

Max is managing editor of Gear Gods.

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  • “Progressive death pop” aka djent yea know that one style with the clean vocals and (depending on the group) fairly poppy sounds. I like it but it’s a pretentious way to describe it.

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