I know, post G’n’R Slash hasn’t had the most consistent musical output. On the other hand, if you tell me that you were born before 1985 or so and you don’t have at least some burning ember that just won’t die for the man and his signature Les Paul/JCM800 tone, I’ll call you a liar and shout you out of my house.
So with every record he plays on I always find myself hoping this next one will be the one. Or at least hoping it’ll make for some good listening. At he’s tracking his next record the old fashioned way, to 2″ tape, for some 80’s authenticity. Plus, and this is where it becomes newsworthy to us gear geeks, they’re documenting the recording process. Two videos have been posted online so far, in the time honored tradition of chronological order. Slash goes for the classics. So enjoy these drum and bass tracking films. Will guitar follow soon afterwards? The smart money is on “yes.” I’m also betting it’ll be tastefully bluesy yet tinged with whiskey-soaked aggression.
I Shot J.R / March 12, 2014 4:51 am
But then how will you edit all the takes together and pitch correct all the vocals and beat detective the drums and record the guitars direct with an axefx and record at half-speed and have the guitars bury the bass and make the kick drums sound like a type-writer and have a dynamic range of 3db and ok I’ll stop now.
Chris Alfano / March 12, 2014 11:14 am
We’ll worry about all that in post.