PreSonus has giver their Studio One 5 DAW a pretty serious facelift with Studio One 5.5 by adding a ton of user-requested features. First and foremost is what PreSonus said is “the #1 feature request,” the addition of Project Page Automation. The new Project Page Automation lets you automate volume and Plug-in parameters, either in real-time using your mouse or hardware controller, right on the Project Page.
Other Project Page updates include the availability of Clip Gain Envelopes for correcting sections of audio that are either too loud or too soft; Listen Bus for monitoring through a separate output with separate effects; and Track Transform for creating rendered files of mastered track with every insert effect and automation parameter printed into the file, all right on the Project Page.
Other useful features in Studio One 5.5 include the ability to export audio in multiple formats, target loudnesses for different streaming platforms (like Spotify and Apple Music), and a new, proprietary, custom-designed dithering algorithm that minimizes conversion artifacts and preserves low-level signals.
Learn more here and download Studio One 5 here.