Ibanez has expanded their FRH10N offerings to now include some new finishes – namely Indigo Blue Metallic and Rose Gold Metallic. Though they’re really, they’re baby blue and baby pink. We all know it and we’re all still very down.
So what do the new colorways offer that the original Brown and Natural ones don’t? Nothing. They just look cooler. The FRH10N features a Solid Sitka Spruce top and Sapele back and sides, as well as a Walnut fretboard and bridge. The FRH10N comes with a Ibanez T-bar Undersaddle pickup and is available in both a Brown Sunburst Flat and Natural Flat finish.
Get the new colorways (and the old ones) all here for $499 each. If you’re looking to splurge a little more on yourself now that it’s January and you don’t have to buy everyone you know a Christmas gift, you can check out the Henson signature TOD10N here.