Like the dependable quality of Casey Kasem’s Top 40 countdown, Fuse TV’s Metalhead to Head series also has the hits that just keep on coming. Like Dave Mustaine vs. Ricky Warwick, or David Ellefson paired with Dug Pinnick.
But I know what you’re thinking. Can this format sustain itself without a member of Megadeth in frame? What would such an episode entail? Well, mainly a lot of bass jamming. Then again, I’m pretty sure adding Billy Sheehan to anything results in more bass jams. Funerals. Serial Murder. Flashdance. You name it.
As I may have mentioned, I unfortunately can’t directly embed this episodes. So poor you: you have a lot of extra clicking to do. Better get started.
Opera Mommy / May 2, 2014 9:55 pm
Sheesh.. Didja hurt yourself making that title, Chris? :P
GodHimself / May 8, 2014 11:48 pm
Billy Sheehan is a terrifyingly delusional Scientologist, and has been so vocally supportive of their practices that I can’t take him seriously anymore, even if he is insanely talented.