Believe it or not, after what has felt like an absolute eternity with B.C. Rich, SLAYER guitarist Kerry King has announced a new partnership with Dean Guitars! With nearly 40-years of some of the most pioneering music in metal, King has created a legacy with some of the most influential thrash metal songs out there, and has now made his way over to the good people at Dean.
From King:
“I’m super stoked to be part of the Dean Guitars family. This has been an insane long time coming! Together we’re going to create some amazing guitars that Dean, Slayer, and Kerry King fans will be as excited as I am to play them. It’s gonna be a wild ride for years to come!”
About the announcement, Dean Guitars CEO and President Evan Rubinson had this to say:
“We are thrilled to welcome one of the most iconic guitarists in the world to the Dean family. Our partnership with Kerry King couldn’t be a more perfect fit – a legendary metal guitar player and a legendary metal guitar company, collaborating to bring our fans something the world has never before seen.”
Over the next few months, Dean Guitars has said they will be releasing info regarding the Kerry King Signature Dean Guitars USA and import models, so be on the lookout for what they have in store. In the meantime, check out our most recent Dean Guitar Z Select review below!