Perhaps you’ve been thinking to yourself, all I want is to recreate the lush lushscapes and sonic sonicscapes that my favorite band Cynic made on true progressive death metal albums like Focus and Traced in Air. Perhaps you hate digital audio units and won’t stand for a chorus made out of 1s and 0s. Perhaps you love to stomp on buttons. And perhaps you spend so much time gazing at your shoes switching between pedals that don’t have Cynic album covers on them.
Well then, Pro-Tone Pedals, purveyors of other fine custom metal pedals for players like Al Jourgensen of Ministry, Misha and Mark of Periphery, and more, have got the pedal for you. Designed with Cynic mainman (and Yoga class composer) Paul Masvidal, the company has released two versions of the Masvidal chorus, so that fans of oldschool and newschool Cynic alike can be appeased. They’re a bit pricey at $275 a pop, but then again, that’s pretty much what it costs to own quality analog gear these days.
Veldar / September 10, 2014 3:27 am
All of the protone stuff is expensive, you could just grab a Zoom-CDR70, which is one of the best purchases I’ve made in a while.
Deadasfak / September 11, 2014 9:27 am
The third riff is so awesome