If you don’t feel like paying thousands for a Klon Centaur, or a Bad Monkey for roughly the same price at this rate, then maybe the J. Rockett Archer Select is for you.
The J. Rockett Archer Select offers the option to switch between 7 diodes ranging from lowest to highest output. This includes diodes from previous J. Rockett ventures like the Archer, iKon, and Jeff Mod Archer, as well as four additional diodes.
The J. Rockett Archer Select offers Output, Treble, Gain, and Clipping controls, as well as a D.I. Speaker Simulator based on a British 4X12 cabinet. And to top it all off, the J. Rockett Archer Select comes with a gold and red shell, perfect for that Klon-esque look. Because hey – nobody said they weren’t trying to get as close as legally possible to the Centaur.