As a sophomore in college riding the New Wave of American Heavy Metal, I spent the better part of 200-5 blasting Frail Words Collapse in my van driving around the streets of Northern California, and I was WAY into As I Lay Dying. So I rode a whole tsunami of emotions when it was revealed that Tim Lambesis had hired a hitman to kill his wife, thereby making him an unlikeable dick, especially since the only murder victim wound up being the band – AND THEN – finding out the band had decided to soldier on without him in another form as Wovenwar – not quite as good, but certainly better than nothing.
Now it appears that something is afoot in the AILD camp again – the official Facebook page was updated with this cryptic message on Sunday night:
exactly one year after their last Facebook post, ALSO ON FATHER’S DAY. If that’s not creepy, I don’t know what is. Could this mean a new album? A new lineup with Tim back as vocalist now that he’s out of jail? Or the opposite – the rest of the guys with a new singer?
Lol nah, probably just bitch tits back on the roids again, trying to stir up some shit. What a dick.
Benjamin / June 19, 2017 6:19 am
Their social media accounts only update every Father’s Day just to say the celebration. I’m pretty sure they meant to write another “Happy Father’s Day” post.