Bogren Digital has just rolled out their MLC Subzero 100 plugin. The MLC Subzero 100 plugin is based on the guitar amp of the same name and features:
- Three channels with different voicings and gain capabilities
- Dual cabinets with a blend slider to mix between them. Each cabinet is miced with five classic microphone models that can be positioned freely, and users can also load their own impulse responses
- The groundbreaking IRDX technology
- Two different overdrive pedals in front of the amp — the MLC Vanilla Sky and a model of Jens Bogren’s own classic green overdrive pedal, used on hundreds of records
- A delay and a reverb pedal in the amp’s effects loop
- A classic studio EQ for finalizing the sound
- Noise gate and tuner
On the IRDX technology, Bogren stated that it “uses advanced machine learning methods to reconstruct the difference between a real cab and an impulse response. Any impulse response can be processed with IRDX, and the result is a guitar amp sim that reacts like a real amp, easily fits in a mix without sounding stale, and feels great to play.”
Get it here for $79 for a limited time.