In your wacky coincidence of the day, two different and unrelated drive pedals from two separate and unrelated companies were announced on the same day this week, both bearing the name “Crayon”.
The first is from Electroharmonix, (EHX) and their Crayon is a full-range OD pedal, meant to give an overdrive that covers the full range of the guitar and doesn’t narrow the EQ like a Tube Screamer style.
The other is the JHS Crayon, which is a smaller version of their Colour Box multi-dirt box.
So weird. Is this like, the dumbest publicity stunt ever, or the most bizarre coincidence of all time? Because either way it’s fucking awesome. Watch, now they’re both going to change the name because of the other, and then we’ll have no crayons, like a really hungry and dumb toddler who’s gonna need to have his stomach pumped from all the wax.