It’s no secret that we here at Gear Gods bought a one-way ticket aboard the Hype Train to Z2 town. Devin and company certainly know how to keep their audience engaged during the making of the record, even taking home a “King of the Internet” award for their valiant efforts over the last few months surrounding both Z2 and Casualties of Cool. It seems like every other week the Devin camp drops something for us to whet our whistles with before chomping down on some tunes.
This week brings us some footage of DTP guitarist Dave Young tracking some riffs and melodies for Z2. In addition to a healthy five-minute musical appetizer showcasing Young jamming on a custom Framus, we also get a look at his beautiful new iPhone 5c in action. The phone rings, and Young answers it twice, at the climax of the video.
We also get a peek at Young’s new nirvana-black Panthera Supreme, based on one of Framus’ custom shop body designs. It’s got that sick blue-LED DTP logo dug into the 12th fret, which is an onstage-glow that we’ve come to know from Dave and Dev’s guitars. I recommend getting a load of the Spezifikationen of the instrument at this location.