We teamed up with Vigier Guitars to produce this hilarious commercial about the strength and stability of Vigier’s 10/90 neck system which features 10% carbon fiber in place of a traditional truss rod. Featuring the music of Myrone, this sponsored video takes our previous torture test a few steps further, using the neck as a bat, dragging it behind a car, and more.
Milos / January 22, 2016 1:22 pm
A couple of days ago I saw a video from Ben from Crimson Guitars saying that Vigier necks stable but when they move it’s over because they have no trust rod. And that his tech friend from France has them all the time at his shop trying to get them back to what they were
DJ Scully - Vigier USA / February 2, 2016 10:15 am
Hey, this is DJ from Vigier. Once in a blue moon one will move… if it’s under warranty, you just need a new neck, if not, you can contact us and we’ll figure something out.
I think it would be a stretch for any shop to say they have them in “all the time.” In my five years with the company, I’ve seen exactly two basses (both over 20 years old) that were out.
If you ever have any questons, you can email me directly – dj@vigierguitars.com! Thanks for watching!!