Pointy, black, and dual-humbuckered guitars rule the roost when it comes to metal. But has the metal world underestimated the mighty…. Telecaster?
It’s commonly accepted that humbucking pickups are a better sound for metal than their thinner sounding single-coil counterparts, mostly because of the annoying 60 hz hum, which is conveniently located halfway BETWEEN the notes A# and B, and gets louder as you add gain. But some metal bands have seen fit to look past these limitations and into the unique sound possibilities of the twangy cousin of the beefy humbucker.
Here are some noteworthy examples:
Wintersun’s Jari Mäenpää used his Tokai telecaster with single coils to record much of their debut album (in standard tuning, no less) as well as most of the Ensiferum material, which didn’t seem to suffer much for it judging by those albums’ popularity. Although certainly not considered metal by modern standards, the very first person to have the term “heavy metal” applied to him in the media was Jimi Hendrix, who almost exclusively played Fender Stratocasters.
What do you think of telecasters and other single coiled guitars in metal?
Forrest Larson / October 18, 2013 3:55 pm
funeraldoombuggy / October 28, 2013 5:27 pm
I don’t think so. They use teles or tele shaped guitars but what I’ve seen they have humbuckers.
RedCorsair / December 22, 2014 4:21 pm
Joe’s is a traditional Tele setup, no humbuckers to be found.
funeraldoombuggy / January 8, 2015 3:27 pm
Just google search his signature guitar. Not hard to do. Has two humbuckers.
RedCorsair / January 8, 2015 4:42 pm
He probably has a mix. I have seen him play live with singles, and here is a video of him playing a guitar with singles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xUoOaHzk5s
Lee Van Cleef / October 29, 2013 10:52 am
If your riffs are heavy, you can make it work without the “traditional” metal sound
dump wagon / November 6, 2013 11:13 am
Kind of late to the party on this, but I have an Eastwood Sidejack Baritone that sounds pretty metal when I run it through some high gain pedals and amps. It has P-90s, not traditional single coils, but it has a pretty unique and distinctive snarl to it. You can pull off good metal sondz with single coils, you just have to be mindful of your EQ and keep an eye on the noise.
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megadave / July 3, 2014 12:40 pm
Led Zeppelins first album was done with a Tele, and sounds heavy as fuck.
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