I’m really gonna stick my neck out here and say that the internet is a wonderful, wonderful place. Millions of musicians and gear geeks pull countless hours of entertainment, education, and inspiration from the Web every single day. Not to mention all the people that use it for important stuff, like uploading tentacle porn and meme-making. It’s a glorious time to be alive – truly.
And every so often, we luck out with some especially high-quality content making its way to the top of the Web’s unfathomable depths. Thank you, Robert Baker, for uniting YouTube’s elite for a just and noble cause. In the exhibit above, Robert, Leo Moracchioli, Fluff, Ola Englund, Henning Pauly, and our very own Trey Xavier (of In Virtue and the site you’re on, of course, whose song was mixed by our very own intern Isaac Stolzer-Gary!) all get down on their top “underrated” guitar riffs. These talented dudes chose a mixed bag of groovy shit, playing everything from Led Zeppelin (immortals) to Hanson (pop heartthrobs that were cool for a few minutes).
Interestingly, from a musical standpoint, “less is more” seems to be an underlying theme in the chosen riffs. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “How can less be more? More is more.” I get it, and you’re even sort of right. But are you really gonna turn on the snob when Pantera’s “Walk” starts playing? Didn’t think so.
Cotillion / April 3, 2017 3:08 pm
Good call. Also, Silverchair’s “Slave” has great riffs. “No Association” too. That whole album, come to think of it.