I’ve been spending a lot of time going through Candiria’s discography recently. They are a band who are often left out of the conversation when people talk about some of the best, most forward-thinking heavy music of the last few decades, and that’s sad, because they’re great. Candiria were fusing jazz, prog, funk, and more with hardcore and metal long before the recent resurgence in progressive music, and churned out some of the most interesting, weird albums of their time.
Back when Meshuggah first toured the U.S. in the early 2000’s, they hand-picked two bands to open for them: the Dillinger Escape Plan and Candiria. That should say it all, really – those were the two bands who in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s were doing the most interesting stuff in the genre.
Candiria’s music holds up, and is still as head-scratching now as it was then. Nobody has really has come close to doing something as crazy as they were getting at in the 90’s, so it’s great to see them back and playing shows after nearly 10 years of inactivity. Check out a clip from this past weekend at the Black n’ Blue Bowl in Brooklyn, for a taste of their live show intensity, below: