I have to preface this post by saying that some of the bands that you might call “djent” are some of my favorite bands, and some of them are really extraordinarily lame copycat assclowns. This can be said of any genre, and wherever you look in art, the same dichotomy exists – innovators and imitators.
I also need to point out that computer composed and performed music has existed since the 1970s. Some of it is so good that even highly trained music professors were unable to tell the difference. So, there is actually a precedent for this shit:
This was created by Andrew Baena of the band Galactic Pegasus (who makes music which is not computer generated) It’s not entirely computer composed, as the computer is choosing randomly from a small bank of sound files, but the idea is the same. What makes it funny is how seamless and convincing it sounds.
This is actually extremely evocative of modern composer John Cage’s approach, using chance and improvisation, such as a composition utilizing water moving inside a conch shell – it is impossible to predict what sounds the shell would produce at any given time, so all the sounds were randomly generated.
So, Andrew Baena = modern day Djohn Cadje?