DREWSIF Uncovers The Truth About Gear Reviews And We’re Very Upset About It


Man, the internet has been dropping truth bombs all over the place this past week. Metal guitarist and hilarious YouTubesman Drewsif recently took the idea of what it means to be a gear reviewer and boiled down its very essence, which is pretty fuckin’ great, even if we are deeply, extremely, irreversibly offended. We’ll be awaiting a formal apology, but in the meantime, be sure to follow Drewsif and all of his endeavors here, and SMASH DAT MUH-FUGGIN LIKE BUTTON.

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Senior Editor at Gear Gods living in LA. Just trying to figure this whole music thing out, really.

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  • Awwww I thought it was going to be about how every gear demo is just a big advertisement ;-; dissapoint

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