You might be feeling the G.A.S. extra bad, and maybe you’re considering shelling out some dough for another guitar (or bass, or drums, or oboe…). But before you plunk down your hard-earned for something new you think will make you happy, try some of these things first to see if you’ve had what you need right there beside you all along.
1. Take your guitar in for a setup
Sometimes we fault our guitar for not playing well enough. This is, of course, ridiculous in many ways, but sometimes just a couple tweaks can resurrect the feeling you had for your guitar when it first arrived, shiny and fresh from the factory. Over time, the neck can move in various ways, the frets can become worn, the fretboard gets gunk built up on it – all of these things can hurt the feel of the axe, and cause you to lose some of your excitement for playing it.
Renew and refresh your passion for playing by taking your baby to a trusted and reputable luthier or tech for a complete set-up, including a change of strings, fret dressing/leveling, action and intonation adjustment, and thorough cleaning. It’s cheaper than buying another guitar (that will likely need a setup anyway) and will help you to appreciate the guitar you have, which is probably pretty awesome.
2. Set it up yourself
Many of the things I’ve described above can be done by any basically competent person with a little time and care. If you can’t change your own strings, you’re going to have a real hard time as a guitarist in general, so I advise you to learn that immediately anyway. Most of the other setup stuff is actually less work than changing the strings, and there are loads of tutorials online for doing all of them.
I’d maybe leave something like fret dressing and leveling to the pros, but a simple truss rod adjustment can be easy and painless (as long as you don’t turn it too far and break it – quarter turn and check, quarter turn and check! If you wind up turning it a lot you’re definitely doing it wrong), and cleaning your fretboard with some lemon oil (for rosewood boards – cleaning maple is a bit trickier) is a fast way of refreshing your axe.
Intonating your guitar is something that takes some practice to be able to do yourself, but can also be done at home and will drastically affect how good your guitar sounds.
Another thing that people always forget and never spend time on is pickup height. People often assume that they’re unhappy with their pickups when really they just have them too close or too far away from the strings. A little research and a little trial and error goes a long way.
3. Go online window shopping for the guitar you already have
Remember when you first bought your guitar? If it was in the last 5-10 years, there’s a strong likelihood that you bought or at least shopped for it online. You probably spent hours pouring over pictures of it in different finishes, looking at pictures of your favorite artists playing it, and holding a towel under your face to catch the drool.
Now go and do that again. Go and spend some time looking up the guitar you already own, see it in other people’s hands, pretend like you’re shopping for it again. If this makes it sound like taking your significant other on a first date again, it’s because it’s not that different (except your guitar won’t care how many others are in the rack). Your relationship with your guitar is a bit like your human relationships – there’s the passionate love, then the companionate love. Sometimes it needs a little kick in the pants, a reminder of why you picked that guitar.
4. Upgrade your axe
Maybe all those little adjustments helped, but didn’t quite take it over the top for you. Unlike being in a relationship with a human being, making physical modifications to your guitar can improve how you feel about it and how it sounds. Whereas a nose job won’t change your husband/wife’s personality, swapping the pickups, new locking tuners, installing noiseless springs, changing the string gauge, sanding the back of the neck, having it refretted or even installing a new bridge can improve your guitar’s character. I’m not saying you need to do all of these things, just that you should examine them (or have someone else more knowledgable examine them) to determine if it’s needed.
5. Appreciate your guitar for the marvel of engineering that it is, you ungrateful jackass.
Jesus Cockburn III / September 15, 2015 11:20 am
I’ve heard that Lemon Oil can dry out a fretboard. I’ve been using F-One oil from Music Nomad and so far it’s been great.
Old Dog / October 13, 2017 12:45 am
Been using lemon oil on rosewood fretboards since the 1980s. Swear by the stuff!
streetfighterdood / September 16, 2015 7:03 am
There is nothing wrong with buying more guitars.
Mary Kreitzer / September 17, 2015 10:29 am
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rageaholic / September 16, 2015 11:06 am
6) actually play it and get better instead of being a gear whore.
CherryFoxIan / September 16, 2015 11:20 am
6: Before buying another guitar, consider UPGRADING YOUR ****ING AMPLIFIER.
I can’t count the number of people who have like 5 guitars in the $1500-$3000 range (while even talking about buying more) and they’re playing through something like a Spider, Vypyr, or some generic shitty solid state amp with a floor modeler or distortion pedal.
Your amp has some of the biggest effect on your guitar tone, if you’re just gonna run everything through something cheap you might as well stick with a well-set up Squier or Ibanez Gio.
PeteHadegino / September 16, 2015 11:40 am
I’ve got an Ibanez Gio, it was my first guitar. I didnt want to get rid of it so I gave it some TLC……Stripped all that gross sparkle blue poly finish, sanded down the neck and refinished it black. Did the body and headstock in a nitro seafoam green, ripped out all the electronics and installed new stuff, put in some new tuners. Then set it up real nice……………It plays and sounds really, really well and looks a lot better. Whole thing cost a little less than $150 to do and really made me appreciate my first guitar a lot more. instead of leaving it in its case in the closet, it gets played as much as my others. Not as nice as my Fender american strat or Gibson SG, but it sounds great. Thats whats nice about really cheap guitars. You can tear em appart and make them really special without sweating the whole time that you might be throwing $500-$1000 bucks down the toilet.
PeteHadegino / September 16, 2015 11:42 am
And it was the first time I ever painted a guitar and it came out perfect, it just takes a lot of patience.
CherryFoxIan / September 16, 2015 11:59 am
Definitely, I’m doing the same with an older Squier Stagemaster 7 (which is a bit tedious since the 7-string side doesn’t have a very big DIY/customization crowd). As long as the wood is good quality alder, maple, mahogany, etc. and the body is in good shape you can turn it into something fantastic with a lot of work.
That’s most of what you’re paying for in more expensive, high-end guitars. The build quality and craftsmanship as well as quality control.
Dickwad / September 16, 2015 8:52 pm
Yea, right. I bet you know lots of fucking people with $10k+ worth of guitars playing through a $100 practice amp. You can’t count them because you don’t know any.
idResponse / September 16, 2015 11:43 am
When I buy a new guitar, it’s because it is unlike any other instrument I own. I want a Fender Bass VI because of the instrument it is. I want a guitar with a good locking whammy setup so I can do surf bends and dimebag divebombs. I want an upright bass because they’re awesome. I want a six string banjo because I love the sound but hate 5 string banjo fingerings. I want a good resonator dobro acoustic because they sound amazing especially with a slide.
Matt Eddleblute / September 16, 2015 10:50 pm
Tube amp! Tube amp! Tube amp!
Scot Nicholson / February 10, 2016 7:04 pm
I live by this article’s morals. I shopped around pawn shops everywhere until I found the perfect deal about 6 years ago. Ended up finding me a 1980 Vantage VLP-550 made at the old Matsumoku factory in Japan for only $150 CDN. I cleaned it up crazy well, set the neck, put on some new tuning knobs, got the pickup switch replaced, and threw on some hefty ass strings for that extra boom and for sure, you could barely tell the difference in sound to a real Les Paul. I even mounted my own home-made strap locks in it and embedded a fancy glass-eye pendant into the headstock to make it completely my own. I have only just recently purchased a real Gibson version of the same guitar due its neck and body feeling much more comfortable to play. And hilariously, you can barely tell the difference in tone or sound while jamming compared to my Vantage. And I still play my Vantage more than my Gibson haha.
IminlovewithTBDMattheminute / February 10, 2016 8:53 pm
Think I might buy one of those 25 watt 5150’s instead of another guitar.
Raul Lobato / November 30, 2017 4:09 pm
I need a jazzmaster as I dont have one