Melodic death metal heroes Allegaeon are under fire this past week for initiating a crowdfunding push on the website Patreon, which is a platform that allows a continual support of an artist through a monthly subscription model. There are of course different levels of support, but you can commit to as low as $1 per month. It’s become increasingly popular in the music world and the YouTube community for its consistency in an inconsistent industry. But although it operates basically as a tip jar and/or a upper tier subscription for hardcore fans (having zero impact on anyone else), many ignorant, misguided loudmouths on the internet have decided that it is tantamount to begging and like many other great ideas, it (and the band) are being panned by trolls, some of whom for some reason have access to large platform mouthpieces such as Decibel and clrvynt.
I’m here today to set the record straight on why Patreon and other similar platforms are good for bands and fans, and why the shitty attitudes of people railing against them will be the death of the music we love if we don’t get it right, right now.
To Patreon or Not To Patreon
It’s one of the most hotly debated ideas in the new music industry across social media – to Patreon or not to Patreon. Many see it as begging for money, a sense of entitlement, some kind of pathetic cop-out, as if the supporter gets nothing in return.
But that’s not what begging is. Begging is asking for something when you can offer nothing in return. Begging is throwing yourself on the mercy of others because you have no other choice. These five men living in America have a choice, and it could be an easy one. Of course they can get “real” jobs – that’s always there, isn’t it? If you’ve been in a band, you know the feeling – how much easier and better would your life be if you quit the band, and spent that time making money instead of losing it? Of course it would be easier. That’s not the question though – the question is do the fans want the music to continue badly enough to pay for it?
There’s an easy way to answer this question – open a channel to allow the direct flow of money from patron to artist. It’s no different from a tip jar at a cafe. You are already paying for your coffee – some of that goes to your barista. But you can also choose to give money directly to the barista, bypassing Peet’s altogether. If your barista quits, there will be another to replace them. But the more you tip, the more likely it is that your favorite barista will be there tomorrow making your triple vanilla mochachino 3/4 caf with a smiling hippo in the foam. In case you’re a moron, in this metaphor, the barista is your favorite band.
There are no shortage of bands out there. Anytime one falls, there are ten to take its place. There are plenty of bands willing to slog it out on the road for no money, just as there are always scabs ready to accept whatever pay and poor working conditions that unions seek to improve by striking.
Patreon and other crowdfunding sources can be a boon, or an embarrassing flop. Protest The Hero successfully crowdfunded $341,000 for their album Volition, 273% of what they were asking, while Orgy fell incredibly short, raising a meager 8 grand of their $100,000 goal. This happens when there is a mismatch between the artist’s perceived value and their actual value.
Every time I’ve seen an artist go the Patreon route, however, the comments section reacts the same way – stop begging. Get a real job. Stop asking your fans for money.
Crowdfunding is the bee’s knees. What you’re saying when you say you don’t like crowdfunding is that you want to add an unnecessary middleman to the equation (a record label) and that you want to pay more for less content from the artist, because you don’t want to see the business part of the equation. Everything a band does with crowdfunding money is the same thing that a label will do for them, only a label gives them 15% of the profits and takes the rest. So why the moral outrage when the band wants the money directly? Answer: you don’t like seeing how the sausage is made.
A Lesson in Capitalism
I hear it everywhere, from musicians to managers to publicists and fans – “There’s no money in metal”. They say it with a sigh and a defeated finality that their favorite sound must be relegated to the smallest venues with no catering, the bottom of the sales charts, and eventual burnout from living in poverty. From the same mouths I hear criticism of bands who are successful, because they’ve achieved major-label status, brand sponsorships, endorsement deals, or other markers that they are making money.
This attitude is pervasive, self-perpetuating, and self-defeating, and the eruption of hatred for Allegaeon’s Patreon is the result. The detractors have accepted this idea so deeply that they think that the artist must also accept it, and any notion to the contrary must be squashed, and they are very vocal about it.
$25 an hour. 3 times the minimum wage. An insult to the bands with balls.
This is how we see ourselves in the metal world. We don’t believe that working musicians are worth 3 times the minimum wage. “If you can’t afford to be in a band, then DON’T BE IN A BAND!”. This is a twisted inversion of the transaction, where the working artist is expected to sacrifice everything while the consumer gives nothing and receives all the benefit. Not only must the artist raise his own capital to pay for the privilege of performing, but then they must endure poverty and derision from a public who downloads their art for free and then criticizes it openly.
This demonstrates a true ignorance of the functioning of the open market and the value of the artist in society, and the relationship thereof. If you think $25 an hour is a lot of money, then metal is well and truly fucked, and we’ll think we’re living like kings when we’ve reached $25 an hour while every other occupation laughs at us. The author of this petition framed it as a multiple of the minimum wage – comparing it to the actual MINIMUM AMOUNT LEGALLY ALLOWED to be paid. We don’t think we are better than the literal bottom of the barrel.
If we boil down all the rhetoric, theissue that many are taking with Allegaeon is that they have overestimated their value on the open market, are asking for too much money, and are holding the band hostage with their “threat” to break up. The former may be a fair criticism, but only if they fail, and it’s certainly not a fault worthy of the inflammatory rhetoric and hatred they are currently receiving. There’s no question that bands work hard – but the detractors are mad because they think that they don’t work hard enough to earn the money that they’re asking for.
I’ve been a teacher – it’s not easy. But being in a band is just as much hard work, and there’s NO stability at all. There’s no question that they’re earning what they’re asking for, if there’s any justice. You just think they’ve overestimated their worth, despite an ignorance of what/how much work they’re doing. You have a contract with your boss at your school – you do X tasks, you get paid X amount. At a certain point you might feel you deserve more money for X work – you negotiate a raise. Why is that somehow better than the arrangement a band has with its fans? Bands don’t have bosses. The fans ARE the bosses – you can negotiate a raise in essentially the same way, but with the (hopefully) thousands of people that make up that title. Most bands don’t ever have the conversation with their fanbase, they just break up or continue on suffering in silence.
You just think their music isn’t worth what they’re hoping to get for it.
A thing is worth what it is traded for.
You don’t get the deal you deserve – you get the deal you negotiate. There isn’t some omniscient force determining what the value of a thing is and you are either over- or under-valuing it against the price hewn into a sacred stone – whatever you allow the thing to be sold for is the value of it. Knowing the value of yourself as an artist or the product you create is very important, and setting that value is a matter of creating it and letting it be known.
Pop artists do this effortlessly – any metalhead who’s ever complained about the success of a pop artist like Britney Spears over a “far more talented” artist like their favorite band that shreds has missed this point entirely – people will pay $300 for front row tickets to see Britney because she and her team of managers and publicists have created that value, and priced it as such. Metalheads see those kinds of prices and think that they are morally superior because they would never pay or charge those kinds of prices, but all they’re really doing is creating an endless downward trend of devaluation.
Allegaeon has taken the first step in deciding their value, which is setting the price. More like a suggested price – you can bet that even if they don’t quite hit their mark, they’ll continue on with the band. Many people interpreted this as a threat to break up if they don’t get what they’re asking – I watched the video, and I think that’s a poor interpretation. They simply stated the reality that in order for a business entity to function, they need capital. Of course the consequence of being suffocated is death – it’s not a threat to say that if you don’t get any oxygen you will die, merely a statement of fact.
Haven’t you ever heard that your favorite band has broken up, and thought to yourself – I would pay $50 to hear them make another (insert pivotal classic album here)? So why not keep that from happening? Because they were honest about asking for it?
The public reaction has been painfully reminiscent of that of John Lennon’s assertion that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. A wrong interpretation, an overblown, idiotic reaction, and zero perspective on the larger implications.
If they get what they’re asking, or more, then they have correctly calculated their worth on the open market. Whether or not you think the perks are a good deal, it’s not up for you or I to decide what their value is, except as to whether or not we want to spend our money on it. If people are willing to pay, then Allegaeon is right.Â
Above And Beyond
Sure, they, and every other mid- to low-level band (metal or otherwise) in America can continue on without crowdfunding or any kind of funding – they’ll keep working the kind of day job you can get that will give you time off for touring (the $10/hour kind) to save money to pay to tour to play for people who think they’re not worth what they’re asking. What Allegaeon and other Patreon bands want is to increase the output of their art and their presence in the lives of their fans – but only if the fans want that and are willing to pay for it.
The artist’s ability to create is determined partially by their freedom – you can’t write, record, and tour if you have to spend all your time working for the man, as it were. What you’re really giving an artist when you give them money is the freedom to create.
Every show I go to, I hear endless complaints about the prices of band merch – $25 shirts, $50 hoodies. But look outside of metal and you start to see that we have simply devalued the worth of the artist – fans of other genres of music are willing to pay far more for a piece of the artists they love. You might say that most metalheads are poor – but do you think they’re poorer than fans of rap? Because that doesn’t stop Kanye from selling $60 Saint Pablo t-shirts, or Rihanna this $250 hoodie. You think you’re a fanatical worshipper of Iron Maiden – but you’ll only have to pay $40 for your hoodie. Are you a big enough fan to pay $250? You bitch about the price, but don’t consider the cost.
A Change Of Attitude – Or The Death Of A Genre
There is only one thing that will bring the state of our beloved music out of a tailspin – we need to change our attitude about money in metal. We need to eliminate the word “sellout” from our vocabulary. If there is in fact no money in metal, then in order for it to continue the money needs to come in somehow – or metal is over. Because of this, we need to stop criticizing the way in which bands get their money to continue. Many people balked at the idea of members of a metal band making $50,000 a year. That’s because most metal fans don’t make that much, and they think that’s a lot of money – and that these musicians don’t deserve that much. We need to believe (rightly) that both metal bands and metal fans are worthy of more money, and that there is no shame in asking for and receiving their value’s worth.
Personally, I wouldn’t bat an eye if Tom Araya stopped in the middle of a concert to take a sip of Pepsi and say “You got the right one baby, uh-huh!” so that Slayer could make a bit of cash. If Pepsi thinks that Slayer fans would like Pepsi, and want to pay Slayer to drop some product placement, great. Shill away, just keep playing Angel of Death. (And if you think Tom and/or Slayer would never shill, here’s why you’re wrong) Of course, Slayer don’t have that much of a problem getting butts in seats or selling their music and merch, but I think Allegaeon are better than Slayer and I think they should get a Pepsi endorsement to pay for their van’s new alternator.
If the members of a band worked for Pepsi at their day job to fund their band, you wouldn’t call them sellouts – now they’re “working class” and worthy of praise. Pepsi would be, in effect, already sponsoring their band. Something about the fact that they worked makes it morally acceptable in your eyes, so as long as they worked before they worked on the hard work of being in a band it’s okay. But the second we find out that they’re officially involved then we accuse the artist of shilling. But you don’t think that you’re shilling for Starbucks when you stand behind their counter wearing a green apron serving their products? Pepsi, in this case, has recognized the value of the artist, whereas the “fan” has not – ironic, to say the least. We’ve created this imaginary distinction between how a typical business operates and how a band should operate, because there’s some “purity” that needs to be maintained by a metal band – like having some money coming in corrupts the quality of the music. This also means that brands are reluctant to sponsor metal for fear of backlash. Thanks, punk rock, for initiating this irrational idea.
Speaking of punk, some punk band’s singer decided to take the opportunity to promote her band with this deranged, reason-proof rant on clrvynt.com in which she calls Allegaeon “pussies” “the laziest, most pathetic, sub-human beta males in America” and other colorful inaccuracies and alt-right trigger words, based mostly on the fact that their Patreon move makes them unfuckable in her eyes.
She also criticizes them as lazy, citing her job as an account executive as proof that she is not. The singer of a punk band thinks she is superior to them because she is literally working for the man. How punk rock of her. And hey, if you can’t get a handout from your fans, why not just get one from the government, like White Lung did (to the tune of $90,000)?
I bring this up because punk is a picture of where metal could end up if we continue with this self-destructive attitude of self-worthlessness. Punk rockers are terminally self-policing their own punk-ness and purity and morally crusading against any of their number who achieves any kind of success, financial or otherwise. As a result, punk is essentially the music of the homeless, and its popularity is nil because popularity is inherently bankrupting in their eyes – a perfect loop of self-defeat.
You wouldn’t accuse John Williams of being a pussy would you? He gets up every day and works on music, the same as Allegaeon, and he gets paid to do it. He has to negotiate with producers for the price of his music, and his value is what he sets it at. He sets the price, and if no one is willing to pay it, then no John Williams scores will be made. Would you accuse him of threatening to quit to get money out of his fans? Never. A street performer puts his guitar case out for you to put money in if you appreciate their performance – would you call them lazy, entitled, beggars? I certainly hope not. This is merely the larger-scale digital version of that open guitar case.
As of this writing, Allegaeon is 3/5ths of the way to their goal, with subscriptions totaling about $3000 per month. Whether or not this model is sustainable will depend largely on the band’s ability to make good on the promises of their perks, to continue to offer content of high value, and to ignore the detractors who claim knowledge of their worth. But it is at least promising that such a goal can be achieved, and that the fans have spoken – challenge accepted.
If we don’t change our attitude about this, metal is going to die. We will mourn over its starved corpse, wondering how it could have happened, when we told it that it didn’t deserve to eat, it wasn’t worthy of nourishment, and chastised it for asking for nutrition. We told it that its suffering was noble, that it needed to suffer to be worthy of our praise, and that its purity was sacred and money was taint. We held a pillow over its face and told it to get its air from somewhere else, and then we were surprised when it suffocated.
Will we continue to martyr the artists? We “fans”? We “metalheads”?
Nick Taxidermy / November 7, 2016 9:40 am
Allegaeon suuuucks.
wryguy87 / November 7, 2016 2:57 pm
You inspire us all.
sir_vicks / November 7, 2016 4:23 pm
fucking brilliant contribution bud.
Nick Taxidermy / November 7, 2016 4:55 pm
what, am I supposed to care about these goons? why? they’re bad.
sir_vicks / November 7, 2016 4:59 pm
Well, theyre not. Maybe you dont like em, thats cool. But i dont really know you can say they are objectively bad. They are killer musicians and they tour constantly…thats pretty much the dream most of us aspire to.
Nick Taxidermy / November 8, 2016 7:03 am
they’re a generic melodic death metal band. I don’t know their new vocalist but their last one just had a generic, unchanging bellow with no variation at all. not for me, at all.
Donnie J / November 12, 2016 9:52 am
“I don’t listen to this band’s music, but if I did, I’d still say it sucked”
wryguy87 / November 7, 2016 5:00 pm
You have changed my entire world view, sir.
Diabolus_in_Muzaka / November 7, 2016 10:59 am
This was going shockingly okay until the Pepsi bit. Working for Pepsi at a warehouse as Joe Blow in a band and Joe Blow using his band to shill for them are completely different. Pepsi isn’t “sponsoring” the band by paying one member to do honest labour; the band is inconsequential to that contract, and Joe’s funding of the band with that money is a separate transaction that Pepsi has nothing to do with anymore. On the other hand, the band is central to the contract; Pepsi buys access to an established base via the “endorsement” of a group people respect.
As for the awful “shilling for Starbucks because you work there” thing: wrong. When you sign a contract to shill, you’re generally agreeing to a non compete clause, which in effect means that Joe Blow couldn’t use his band to shill for Coke because he’s shilling for Pepsi. On the other hand, the Starbucks barista can finish her shift, go home for an hour, and pick up some extra hours at Tim Horton’s. It’s not even comparable. Starbucks is paying her to perform certain duties to keep their business running; her advertising clout is nil, she doesn’t have an established base, and why would you advertise to people who are already in the process of buying your stuff?
anonymouskank / November 9, 2016 11:42 am
Look at it as if you were the musician. Say if you were in a band that was pretty big like Slayer and before you got big you busted your balls for the man so you could try to make a living with your passion. Now your famous and the money in and out never stops, success never stops and now the man wants to pay you for using their product. Same shit. And sure you can only drink Pepsi on that stage but you can wash it down with some Jack Daniels and thats another endorsement right there bringing in more cash flow for an industry that is totally on a down ward spiral. Musicians are trying to make up the income that was once made with CD sales. And if they don’t, then you will have no new music to listen to. And def no good new music
Diabolus_in_Muzaka / November 10, 2016 12:42 pm
Never said it was a horrible thing, just that the article made some astounding and unjustified leaps with these comparisons. With bands, as long as they don’t shill for something abhorrent I couldn’t care less what ad money they get; good for them for having enough pull to warrant that, I’d say.
V1k1ng / November 7, 2016 11:29 am
From the internets: “Patronage is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another. In the history of art, arts patronage refers to the support that kings, popes, and the wealthy have provided to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors.”
Supporting artists so that they may continue their work has been going on for ages. Why is this different or wrong now? The advent of recorded music changed the idea of patronage to some degree for musicians. They no longer needed people to give them money just to continue. Their revenue stream came from the sale of the recorded music. Now that the public is not paying as much or at all for recorded music, we are back to the more basic and original idea of patronage.
With metal having such a limited audience, I think every band should sign up for Patreon. I can think of a bunch of bands that have called it quits over the past few years that probably would still be making great music if they earned enough to pay the bills.
I am supporting Allegaeon, and I would support other bands that I like if they wanted. Charge what the market will bear. Fans will either support or they won’t.
Wargazm / November 7, 2016 11:42 am
If metal will die without crowdfunding…..but crowdfunding never existed before a few years ago…..then how did metal ever survive in the first place?
snark aside, the point of this article is good. a direct fan-to-artist pipeline is great, an innovation that we needed to have for years.
but this whole “omg this is the death of metal” attitude is really stupid.
wryguy87 / November 7, 2016 2:54 pm
Perhaps you should ask how healthy Metal and its bands are now compared to all those years before before definitively saying that a death is not occurring.
These things tend to be slow and difficult to notice. Think of it like climate change.
Carlos Agraz II / November 7, 2016 4:11 pm
you do realize that the world’s economic situation as well as the machinations of the music industry have changed drastically in the last 40 years, right?
Joaquim Ghirotti / November 8, 2016 2:31 pm
There was a thing called “records”. They used to sell.
Wagnerian_thrice / November 7, 2016 11:51 am
This is great article minus some giant caveats (No band should do a product placement mid show. Slayer is not Sigue Sigue Sputnik). Bravo for spelling it out and making people think this issue through.
Favorite part: “There are plenty of bands willing to slog it out on the road for no
money, just as there are always scabs ready to accept whatever pay and
poor working conditions that unions seek to improve by striking.”
dan / November 7, 2016 12:01 pm
I think Patreon is great for bands, and also, that too few people remember what ‘selling out’ actually is. If you have a successful Patreon, there’s no reason to sell out, selling out is letting your music be used as marketing, not making enough money to keep being a band, or god forbid, actually give it your full attention.
Log o' Prog / November 7, 2016 12:25 pm
This was an excellent article and viewpoint that needed to be brought up amongst all the naysayers .
People are slow to change and especially with ways that are against the grain and not similar to the ways of old. Times have changed and those willing to take advantage of technology and what tools are available now are so far from “lazy beggers” but rather innovators and creative . Imagine that! The amount of time musicians put into their craft can be mind boggling, so talking down on them asking for a raise or even to cite their own value is absurd. Jobs don’t all have to look like 10$/hr burger stands or working 50-60+hrs a week for “the man” to be called a job.
I wish the best for Allegaeon and hope they kill it so all the bashers can bug off , and start seeing the potential for Patreon and other similar avenues for musicians to create a livable wage. Is that so much to ask for?
JC / November 7, 2016 2:29 pm
Great article Trey!
JC / November 7, 2016 2:44 pm
This also reminds me of a DEATH article, ca. “Leprosy-era..In the article, then guitarist Rick Rozz said they “wanted to be the most successful and popular death metal band and that any other band who says differently is lying”…He was right
Yaroslav Korotkin / November 7, 2016 2:56 pm
Hi guys, I am the member of Irreversible Mechanism band and I am from
Belarus my Salary per year is less than 9 000 $, any questions? I wish
Allegaeon to earn as much as they possible. If you like music, support
Carlos Agraz II / November 7, 2016 4:12 pm
Irreversible Mechanism is fucking great
John D Jones III / November 7, 2016 5:05 pm
Yes, yes they are :)
Eduardo Robles Coello / November 7, 2016 3:35 pm
Its a mixture of tradition, old bad ways of thinking and confusion that leads to something like this. Some people think things must stay the same. that they must not change, ever. That something majestically must happen first in order to be able to see change, and maaaaybe just maaaybe things might change. False.
We should not to be against each other, specially not in METAL. We must be aware that there is a confusion between crowdfunding and begging. Funding has something about being humble, its asking for help. Begging is extending your hand for money (being lazy) and wait, and wait…
In comparison to Whitelungs. Whitelungs, they went straight to the goverment. Allegaleon went straight to the fans. Goverment is a sure thing in a way, it will be a pain in the ass to get the documentation straight because you need proof or validation indicating that in fact you will be using the money for the purpose of your visit. Going straight to the fans is risky because is more open, so whats happening now is just an effect to that risk involved.
So am i blaming Whitelungs for going for the sure thing? nah. Allegaleon going for the fans? No. Its a matter of the way you do things. it works different because every band is different.
fuck whitelungs :D
John D Jones III / November 7, 2016 5:19 pm
Crowdfunding is great for bands. I really don’t see what all the fuss is about. So what if Allegaeon or whomever decides to use that route for funding. If the ‘record companies’ aren’t doing it for the band, then kudos for the bands that make it happen. I’ve taken to favoring crowdfunding bands and musicians in fact. They’re putting the risk out there, taking the effort to spread the word having their fans spread the word. Irreversible Mechanism, Alkaloid, most any of the Muenzner/Grossmann projects, some of the most brilliant music today, all benefitted in some way or fully via some crowdfunding program. Long gone are the days of the fat cigar chomping exec who doesn’t listen to the music who just takes a chance on something new, like back in the day the Zappas, Slayers, all the groundbreaking bands that were ‘discovered’ by that cigar chomper who just said “Screw it, let’s give it a shot”. Now, it’s all armchair A&R wannabes who claim to know what metal music is, or what people want to hear or what not… no one taking chances on ‘new’ things… Musicians gotta eat!! Some of us work for a living and never really get things done, others have to quit their jobs and just go at it full bore and hope for the best to make a minimal living off their art. So, damn the torpedoes, Patreon/Indiegogo, etc have replaced those cigar chompers and should and will direct the new generation of musicians… Lastly…. Metal has substance, it will never die. Punk lacked the substance metal has. Punk was more or less “Fuck you, fuck everything DRUGS DRUGS REVOLUTION DIE FUCK YOU!!” Metal has plenty of that too, but it’s got everything else too. So please, refrain from saying things like “Metal will die like Punk”… cuz it won’t
Woahdude89 / November 7, 2016 5:27 pm
Don’t know about that band or give a shit about them. Just the crowdfunding talk.
Metal as an ideology glorifies underdogs and struggle. We’ve romanticized the ideas and imagery of being anti-establishment and with that comes an inherent aversion to “success”. Success in this case means not being dirt poor and eating taco bell and spending all of your money on weed and tattoos.
Also if Periphery (or some other large touring established act) does a crowdfunding campaign people turn their wallets upside down. A small to mid tier band tries it, everyone piles on ’em calls them greedy or stupid. Then these same people will bitch about the gap in wealth in our country and bla fuckin bla the 1% maaaaaan.
Lots of parody and hypocrisy in our beloved genre.
Grahsam / November 7, 2016 6:25 pm
There are some interesting insights here.
Gatekeeping by metal nerds isn’t helping the scene. If a band like Slipknot, Ghost, or Mastodon is making money and bringing people into the scene, how does that hurt? I get that things like glam damaged the genre, but you can’t eliminate every metal band with a hint of accessibility.
The cost of metal shows and metal merch are, I think, due to the economic standings of a lot of metal heads. The largest portion of the fan base are younger, or lower to lower middle class adults without a lot of money to spend. Its music for the disenfranchised, right? If I had serious money for shows or merch, I’d spend it, but I don’t. $20 for a shirt isn’t bad at all. $50 means I’m not getting a shirt; I just don’t have it. I’m more than happy to pay for real CDs or for downloads from Bandcamp. I even tip a buck or two.
I won’t knock a band for using something like Patreon, but I don’t think I’d donate to it, and I’d really struggle to put my band on it. If I make a CD and you pay for it, that’s an honest transaction. If I ask you to invest in my band with no guaranteed return on that investment, it feels shady.
dan / November 9, 2016 11:21 am
It depends on how much you donate, but there are guaranteed returns, mostly access to materials merchant & the band themselves, but they are there.
Charles Ayala / November 7, 2016 7:31 pm
A-fuckin-men! *slow clap
fuck all the small minded entitled fans. I fully support bands I love. Any one who has a problem with bands making money and having a say of their self-worth, can fuck off. Behemoth makes outstanding paychecks, Amon Amarth makes great money…have they changed their music and artistic integrity for that cash? Nope, it’s still Satan and vikings. I hope Allegaeon makes 5 times what they were making.
Lorenzo Magario / November 7, 2016 8:46 pm
Always the same stuff “if you do *insert innovative technique here* you’re cheating: real people do it *insert obsolete technique here*”.
I think everybody knows that Patreon is a great and honest tool – and, in fact, patronage has always been an excellent business model.
It really sounds just some envy-fueled, arbitrarily negative criticisms (wow: I think I’ve never used this many adjectives).
resistor / November 7, 2016 9:17 pm
The majority of kids today don’t value music. they’ve grown up on free downloads, so expecting them to support bands via crowdfunding is destined for failure.
We all need to come to terms with the fact we’re not going to make a decent living from being in metal bands any more unless your in the top 30 or so.
The majority of us have a day job, and still write music, and more and more have the ability to record at home with excellent results. just dont expect to make shit ton of $ out of it.
Enjoy creating art, and collaborating with friends. end of the day, thats the most important thing.
Zach Bdf Moonshine / November 7, 2016 10:00 pm
I think its a great new way to have contact with the bands you like and to be a part of its creation
dead1 / November 7, 2016 11:39 pm
You do a poor job of justifying begging.
Oh and a street performer is actually playing their music and hoping you appreciate the performance enough to warrant putting some money into their hat/guitar case,
Allegaeon are just begging for money for essentially nothing. They can go break up if they like.
JayFromEYE / November 8, 2016 6:30 am
I’m confused. What do you suppose this band is doing? According to what you’ve just stated, they’re asking for money whilst sitting on their asses and providing the fans with absolutely nothing in return.
I have to ask you this; have you ever worked a job where you had to spend shitloads of your own money to create something for some strangers, pay shitloads of your own money to get the word out that you’ve made something so that these strangers hear about it, only to find that all that money you spent was never going to be reimbursed because people got your creation without your permission and entirely for free?
Have you ever had to pay shitloads of your own money to travel around the country/world for business trips where you spend weeks and months away from your family and friends and the main source of income that funded this whole thing only to be put in an overcrowded van for most of the trip that smells all the time because everybody’s been carrying shit around all day, and working their asses off every night. Before you have time for a shower, you need to get cooped up in that van with barely any sleep in you to get to the next town on time to repeat this shit again and hope that you aren’t going get stiffed by the guy who offered you the job?
If you think being in a band is easy, you need to open your eyes. I’ve been doing it for years and let me tell you, it’s a lot of work. The fact of the matter is that being in a band is a TERRIBLE choice of profession. We put ourselves through this bullshit because we love it and because the fans appreciate it. Money is the last thing we think about when we chose this path, but alas, I can’t buy a bottle of water to quench my thirst if I had all the love and appreciation in the world. You spend so much of your own time and money creating, recording, releasing and marketing your art, and then rehearsing and touring the show for a payout that barely covers the gas that got you to the venue in the first place. Unless you were backed by brands that believe in you (in exchange for product placement or other forms of compensation, of course) or unless the record company gives you a big enough budget, you’re fucked.
Perhaps we are begging in your eyes, but I’m under the impression that we sure as hell work hard enough to demand something to be able to feed ourselves and our families.
Brian McDonald / November 8, 2016 1:13 am
Oh no, a band might be able to support themselves by doing the thing that they love, which is playing music, oddly enough. The horror. I can totally see why bands who have to work 9-5 jobs or are in massive debt to the shitty label that secretly hates them would feel totally superior to a band that has fans willing to give them money for their music. Poverty is so metal.
karlo / November 8, 2016 4:39 am
a great piece, awesome to see that there are still those who fight overly emotive, tantrum-throwing, tall poppy syndrome-infected metalheads with logic and reason.
Erik Kluiber / November 8, 2016 5:14 am
1000% right
RF2000 / November 8, 2016 7:11 am
This article is on point. Artists have been funded by patrons for many hundreds of years. There’s nothing wrong with it.
Myra Esoteric / November 8, 2016 12:31 pm
If allegaeon are pussies then every business is a bottom bitch because they all beg for money from investors. their music sucks but that’s besides the point.
Name / November 8, 2016 6:57 pm
That $250 Rihanna hoodie is wicked awesome!!!
PhilipStevenHader / November 8, 2016 9:14 pm
Your website is shit.
Donald Drumpf / December 2, 2016 2:49 pm
Or somebody is jealous their music isn’t worth shit
Clifton Isaacs / November 9, 2016 8:16 am
I guess you could say metal fans know the price of everything and nothing of its worth.
Realist / November 11, 2016 3:38 pm
Great article, This is a pretty accurate article and the hard truth. I would not be in a touring band ever, not even for 50k. It would seriously take hundreds of thousands annually and even then I doubt I could do it.
Of course I have a son and I would never do that to him (not be part of his life because I travel 10 months out of the year) but nonetheless 50k a year is not much money at all.
If you are a young single dude with no responsibilities then sure. Eat handwiches for the rest of your life and have no insurance, no retirement and no money to do anything ever. Be broke, live in a van and play until you are too old to play or people laugh at you for still doing it then have nothing at all when you are done and hope someone you know can afford to bury you when you are gone.
Once you get a little older and have a few responsibilities you might change your tune.
Alex / November 12, 2016 11:58 pm
Actually, teachers are so overpaid. Mental prison-camp guards do not deserve $50K for lobotomizing the brains of children.