Cody McCorry of THANK YOU SCIENTIST Blossoms with this Orchid Bass from RICK TOONE


Rick Toone should not be an unfamiliar name for the progressive music scene. He has worked with Evan Brewer, Misha Mansoor, and Javier and Tosin of Animals As Leaders, just to name a few. While that list of clients should be enough to get your attention, it’s the sound of his instruments that really seals the deal. They have wacky designs, sure, but they sure sound like heaven. In the video here, Cody McCorry of Thank You Scientist demos the newly finished Orchid bass from Toone. And McCorry being the professional he is, makes it sound absolutely dreamy. That sound is as natural as they come folks. Take notes.

Rick Toone makes instruments that sound super cool. Check out his website to see some more. If you want to see Cory and the other science loving boys in Thank You Scientist, they’ll be supporting Protest the Hero from March 21st-April 8th along with Closure in Moscow. Find dates for that right HERE as well as some other shows they’ll be doing on the way back. Those shows are going to be the best. Don’t miss them.

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Writer with a degree in Recording Technology. Nothing about my background gives me the credibility to relay any of this information to you. But here we are.

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