Children Of Bodom are proponents of two things that we, at Gear Gods, can totally get behind: shredding the ever living hell out of their guitars, and teaching you how to shred the hell out of yours. I think it’s a winning combination.
Since the band’s “Halo Of Blood” tour with Death Angel and Tyr is currently encircling the United States (that halo must have a seriously large circumference), you might find yourself returning from a Bodom concert in the near future and saying “damn I need to learn how to move my stubby fingers like Alexi Laiho.” Let me tell you something guitar brother or sister, there’s nothing metal about low self esteem. We need to build that shit up, pronto.
We’re giving away a pack of Children Of Bodom guitar power-ups, so you can step up your game. Just fill out the form below and you’ll earn the chance to receive:
- 1 signed COB poster
- Customized COB guitar picks
- COB Are you Dead Yet guitar book
- 2 guitar method DVDs (In Your Face Guitar Advanced Techniques & Concepts 2 DVD & Metal Guitar Melodic Speed, Shred & Heavy Riffs w/ Alexi Laiho)
Just make sure your entry is in by Monday, March 24th at 11:59PM. That’s it. Easy. Now go check out Children of Bodom, Death Angel, and Tyr on tour. Tickets can be procured via this link. And if you live in Ohio or Texas maybe you want to hang with the band before the show? Is there nothing these nice men won’t do to brighten your day?
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giovanni perez / March 25, 2014 1:42 am
ill love to win this please pick me :DDD im a huge cob fan mm/