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Wait, is that a Fender
They've got the kind of
It's more deluxe than plain,
French black metallers have recruited
Check out a fan-filmed backstage
Check out a playthrough for
Boo! Bad healthcare!
Slow down there buster!
I personally would have gone
Watch them Sylosing in realtime.
Learn all up in your
You might want to do
Play slowly: you might get
For all your studio needs.
And they're affordable!
Three of 'em, specifically.
For all you cooking in the Freak Kitchen.
Space out, but without breaking the bank.
This is just a tribute.
Ali Dean is excellent.
Yes, they're very metal.
Originally available in their custom shop in 2022.
From 60 to 200 watts.
Schecter is classifying their new Synyster Gates Custom-S as a relic model and I'm curious to know what kind of
For all your worn riffs.
In addition to the Noble Screamer.
It's beautiful.
"That extra bit of gnarliness."