“There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.” – Zayn Mali
If you get out of your house at least twice a week (especially during rush hour), you will meet at least one person vaping, svmoking or using a hookah. Why has this trend become so popular? Some cool articles from Smok online reveal the secret to the popularity of small dab pen. According to them, people tend to follow current trends, and famous people usually become icons for following.
The extreme popularity of all kinds of smoking, from vape mods to devices for smoking illegal substances, is spreading quickly throughout the world. Novelties on the vape gadget market are often sold out during small limited runs. People want to replace their old cigarettes with a new, powerful vape box mod kit (learn here). Sometimes they do it to produce more vapor. Sometimes they do it to boast of the ability to buy a new device. Sometimes they do it to get a new stylish gadget, influenced by world of fashion. Many e-cigarette users are now putting their money in Juul battery that allows them to smoke and charge at the same time. All in all, they do it to feel self-respect and belief in their power, decisiveness and the aptness of their views on reality.
Seeing a cult figure doing so is often one of the most important reasons for the popularity of vape mods. Today we’ll speak about famous musicians who have inspired others to vape.
Barry Manilow, a singer, musician, songwriter, producer and arranger, is quite famous among our parents’ and grandparents’ generations. His raspy voice appeals to admirers even in modern time. It was quite surprising for the press to see he is now cheating on his beloved cigarettes with a vape mod, he was able to learn information about vaping and that’s what’s helping him now.
Bruno Mars, an American record producer, singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and dancer, who originally comes from Hawaii, is an example of someone who has learned from the mistakes of others. This is actually a sad story. After his mother died from a brain aneurysm, he decided to give up consuming tobacco and has been seen since with a vape mod. In addition, he promised to quit smoking.
Dave Navarro of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jane’s Addiction, recently declared that vaping was the means of saving his life. He used to be a chain smoker and made dozens of attempts to quit smoking but all of them were temporary, and he could not live his life without cigarettes. It seemed to be impossible to give up smoking, but one day the famous musician tried vaping, setting him on the path for change.
Dominic Howard, best known as the talented drummer of the band Muse, was at first criticized for vaping. Muse are quite popular, meaning that many people are constantly watching him. While vaping is commonly seen as the new drug of the 21st century, it was challenging to convince others that vape mods are safe and OK to use as long as they come from the vape shop.
American songwriter, singer and television judge Katy Perry, quite the provoking personality, likes kicking up a row when it comes to her style in clothes, haircuts, accessories and so on. Her fame as a singer started in 2008 with the pop-rock record One of the Boys. When it comes to her style, many modern magazines, such as Elle, Maxim, Vice, etc. claimed she is a sex symbol. Her clothes are always bright, colorful, sometimes humorous and often food-related. Paparazzi have snapped photos of Katy using her vape mod recently although it is unclear if she’s been smoking since the start of her career or not.
English singer-songwriter and entertainer Robbie Williams, who was a member of the pop group Take That, has also switched to vapes. He was notorious for smoking like a chimney, but then he switched out his Camels for a vape box mod kit, claiming that vaping was the window to a new life without cigarettes, nicotine, lighters and so on, with fresh air and money saved from buying a new pack of his favorite Camels in their place.
Simon Cowell, English television producer, businessperson, A&R executive, entrepreneur, critic, talent manager, and television music and talent show judge Simon Cowell, is a jack of all trades who is actually a master of each of them. In 2012 he suffered from a heart attack that served as a turning point, and he switched from cigarettes to the vapes. At death’s door, Simon decided to live a healthier lifestyle and chose vapes to preserve his life.
American rapper, singer, record producer and actor Snoop Dogg has become an advertising personality for his vape use.
The use of the quote of Zayn Malik from One Direction at the beginning of this article is not accidental. If we look through the history of his interactions with the media, we can find several remarkable transformations in his personal and public life. One of these changes was switching from cigarettes to vaping devices like the lost vape orion q. We cannot be entirely sure about his reasons for doing this, either for keeping himself up with fashions or trying to follow a healthy lifestyle, but it was his choice, and many of his fans started consuming vape mods as well.
All of the people above are highly followed, and they (we hope) are aware of the fact that they can make an impact on many other people who are their fans and try to follow the trends their idol is popularizing. This means that the culture of both celebrities and ordinary people has already changed. While gathering the information for this article, we learned that the concept of “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” has changed over the decades and at least one of those parts now involved vape mods. This may sound like baloney, but the fact is that even such famous people may need some help to manage their life. Vaping helped them to kick their bad habits.
About the author: Christina Matthews is a journalist who studies the latest news in the health industry. She studies the effects of smoking and vaping on health and the reasons for its popularity.