Here’s a fun and wacky one – the Spinbal cymbal mount is a replacement cymbal mount for your cymbal stand that allows your cymbal to spin for up to 10 minutes on one spin. It’s currently being Kickstarted to the tune of $10k to begin production.
Why on earth, you might ask, would you need a cymbal to be spinning while you play? The makers of the Spinbal claim that the Doppler effect fills out the sound of the drumkit when the cymbal spins, and you can also use a sizzle to get a continuous wash of white noise while you play around the kit. Also, it looks cool. I’m no drummer, and I feel like the effect might be minimal, but if you’re playing with a small kit and need some extra sound to fill out the sound of your group, it could be worth the investment.
Blueberry Balls / March 11, 2016 9:39 pm
Very cool.
Luciano Loyola / March 12, 2016 1:11 pm
Shitty design. Wrong kind of bearing.
Guy Juravich / October 26, 2016 3:10 pm
We’re using 608 greased and shielded bearings. You’re right, skate bearings use oil and thus will migrate out on a horizontal plane. So, grease. I just use the term “skate” bearing so that non-engineers will understand what I’m saying. Please join the mailing list at and you’ll be kept abreast of future amendments to the design – Guy Juravich, inventor