Wanna Get Emotional? Watch Nita Strauss Get Tricked Into Meeting Jason Becker

This is a sweet story. Nita Strauss is best known for her playing in the Iron Maidens and her current gig playing with Alice Cooper. She’s also a total ace guitarist, having toured the world over and is endorsed by companies like Ibanez, Roland, Boss, Bogner, and more.


But despite having played with and met a whole host of her heroes, she still hadn’t met her #1 idol – Jason Becker. And how better to meet him, than to be not even a little bit prepared for who she was going to meet – thanks to her manager tricking her into thinking she was going somewhere else entirely.

I’d get some tissues ready if I were you (for your eyes, pervert):

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As Editor-in-Chief of Gear Gods, I've been feeding your sick instrument fetishism and trying unsuccessfully to hide my own since 2013. I studied music on both coasts (Berklee and SSU) and now I'm just trying to put my degree to some use. That's a music degree, not an English one. I'm sure you noticed.

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