One of my favorite thrash bands going today is Denver, Colorado’s Havok. They’ve managed to cut through the wash of neo-thrash bands that all suddenly appeared in the mid-2000’s, through a combination of tasty chops, interesting riffs, and spectacular live shows. Although I didn’t love Unnatural Selection as much as the near-masterpiece that was Time is Up, Havok are a band that I am always excited to see making music and playing shows.
A few years ago, Havok recruited a new lead guitarist in Reece Scruggs, who is a beast of a player. Technically accomplished but also stylish, Scruggs was a perfect match for Havok’s stop-start, riff-based thrash. Scruggs is now sharing some of the secrets of his craft in a video series, Shred Attack. The first episode, in which he runs down the solo from “Unnatural Selection,” is below: