One of the great, unsung bands of modern metal is Candiria. They’re sort of the missing link between the various strains of extreme metal of the 80’s and three modern movements: mathy hardcore, rap-influenced nu metal, and prog metal. Candiria anticipated what so many different bands were to explore later – bands from the farthest corners of the subgenres, as different as Animals as Leaders, Periphery, Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge, and Korn.
Yet despite their influence, Candiria still stand out from the pack completely. Not for their “fusions” – of which there are many, including jazz, rap, funk, and more – but for the spirit in their music. Nobody plays guitar like John LaMacchia, and nobody phrases and performs like Carley Coma. Their run of albums in the mid-to-late 90’s is a series of explorations of the interstices of rhythm, melody, and groove; unique experiments that I don’t think any band in metal or hardcore has achieved since, with the exceptions of their peers in Meshuggah, Converge, and Dillinger.
So it’s exciting to hear that Candiria have signed with Metal Blade Records, and that our sister-site Metal Injection has released a mini-doc on the history, influence, and legacy of this band. Check it out and get schooled below: