My first Ampeg is actually my current Ampeg: a Skunkworks SVT. The Skunkworks amps were a limited run of 500 heads that the company made when it returned to US shore in ’86, after a brief stint under the ownership of Japanese company called MTI. They’re essentially reissues of the ’70s “blue stripe” heads, albeit with some minor differences in the components. I love that amp dearly and would marry it and have half human/half amplifier children if it were possible under law and nature.
Most bassists that play Ampegs have similar tales of love, so they got on camera at the Ampeg studios to wistfully reminisce. So if you have any interest in King’s X’s Dug Pinnick, Tony Levin from King Crimson, John Alderete of The Mars Volta, or Nashville Pussy’s Corey Parks, then share a special bass moment with them below. I also through in the dude from Styx, because why the hell not?