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We run down the rigs of Dave Davidson, Dan Gargiulo, and Brett Bamberger of Revocation, one of the best metal

One guitarist. One unedited take. One unreleased song. One mixing job by Keith Merrow.

The only burning regrets I've ever had were cured with some penicillin.

We got the scoop on Nightwish's never before documented stage rig.

Mr. Reyes has got a beautiful new signature guitar on LTD.

Josh puts on his janitor onesie and gets to sweeping the school, and schooling you on sweeping!

Okay, fine, it's actually "Wasps in the History of the Weak." But personally I prefer my version.

Including the welcome addition of another axe with an Evertune bridge.

Don't you Evertune? I sure don't.