For once you don’t have to lie to everyone about how much you paid for a guitar because you actually got it for cheap… and isn’t that the greatest gift of all? And before you buy all that gear, remember – riffs are not a song. Which is why we’ve got a course right here to teach you the fundamentals of songwriting.
ESP and LTD are currently running a deal that gives all purchasers three free months of courses from Musicians Institute. So if you’ve ever wanted to buy a solid shred machine, and then learn how to properly use it, this is the time. The deal covers everything from the James Hetfield and Stephen Carpenter signature models, to the more affordable models like the Gary Holt and George Lynch signatures. Plus y’know, all the production models.
Speaking of shred, Kramer is offering their Pacer Classic for $299 with an extra $50 of bonus bucks thrown in there. The Pacer is an excellent model to kick things off with for a beginner, or even for a more experienced player looking for a great road guitar.
More on the affordable front! Squier is offering between $20 and $50 off their Affinity, Classic Vibe, and Paranormal series. Which doesn’t sound like a ton until you remember that the models are generally between $299 and $549. And given the seemingly universal love for those models, why not?
Bassists, we didn’t forget you. Not like your band does. Warwick is currently offering up to $500 off their B-stock basses and you really should jump on that… like, now. Have you ever played a Warwick? Comfort doesn’t even begin to describe it. Then there’s Spector offering up to $70 off a handful of models, and Sterling by Music Man dropping some bucks off their scratch and dent models. And I mean really, nobody can hear a few scratches on the back of your bass anyway.
Oh, and if you’re looking to record the gear you bought, check out this deal right here on the KRK Classic 5 5″ Powered Studio Monitor that shaves $50.50 off the price. Well, that or the handful of PreSonus monitors for up to $130 off… or go for some really beefy savings now that Focal is offering up to a whopping $550 off.
And who could forget pedals? Our buds over at Revv are offering some great deals on theirs, including their brand new collaboration with Glenn Fricker. Get you that chainsaw tone for cheaper! Earthquaker also has a deal going on a handful of their too, including the Astral Destiny and Rainbow Machine. Check ’em here.