We here at Gear Gods are really stoked for Constantly Off, the new album from Philadelphia’s noise-riffers Fight Amp. It’s a great album, and with it’s depth of instrumental tones, a contender for one of the most powerfully produced pieces of hard music of the year. Clocking in at under twenty minutes, it can be a breezer, but one that packs in a whole lot of riff, hook, and groove content into its package. The album dropped last week via Brutal Panda Records, and it’s streaming now. Get on this:
The band sent us over a round of rig tour videos, which also function as a nice little peak into their shared Philly practice space. First under the gun is guitarist Mike McGinnis, who achieved his tones on the album mainly through his guitar-amp chain, with minimal pedals and effects. Check it out!
Fight Amp are hitting the road next week with another Gear Gods favorite, KEN Mode. Great way to kick off the summer! Dates are below:
June 15 – Syracuse, NY – Gorham Bros Musi w/ How To Disappear Completely, Trench Fight*
June 16 – Toronto, ON – Parts & Labour w/ the Great Sabatini
June 17 – Montreal, QB – Turbo Haus w/ the Great Sabatini, Fashion Police
June 18 – Brooklyn, NY – St. Vitus w/ Pyrrhon, Couch Slut
June 19 – Philadelphia, PA – Kung Fu Necktie w/ Psychic Teens, Vaporizer
June 20 – Columbus, OH – Ace of Cups w/ Lo-Pan
June 21 – Chicago, IL – The Burlington w/ Swan King
July 17 – Baltimore, MD – The Sidebar w/ Ilsa, Gatecreeper, Die Choking*
* = no KEN Mode
Videos Suck / June 16, 2015 10:15 pm
Video sucks, Add pictures and a gear list.