The home boys in Fight Amp really hooked us up good with some rigged content. As I mentioned last week, we’ve been freaking over their new record Constantly Off since it dropped (as Kip Wingerschmidt over at our pals MetalSucks said in his review, “more like Constantly On, amiright?”). It’s a short burst, leaving just enough of a tease to get you whet for more. Seriously, this thing is literally just 18 minutes of great riffs, catchy choruses, ear-pleasing production, and grooves.
For example, here’s my favorite track on the thing, “Survival is Strange,” which has one of my favorite choruses on any song released by any band this year:
Anyway, for our second exclusive vid from these guys, bassist Jon DeHart shows us around the band’s practice space, talks rare and vintage gear, and gives us a sneak peak at Power Pills, an in-development, upcoming (trademarked, mind you) collaboration between Fight Amp and Gear Gods. More on that to come.
Fight Amp go on tour with KEN Mode starting tonight. Dates below:
June 15 – Syracuse, NY – Gorham Bros Musi w/ How To Disappear Completely, Trench Fight*
June 16 – Toronto, ON – Parts & Labour w/ the Great Sabatini
June 17 – Montreal, QB – Turbo Haus w/ the Great Sabatini, Fashion Police
June 18 – Brooklyn, NY – St. Vitus w/ Pyrrhon, Couch Slut
June 19 – Philadelphia, PA – Kung Fu Necktie w/ Psychic Teens, Vaporizer
June 20 – Columbus, OH – Ace of Cups w/ Lo-Pan
June 21 – Chicago, IL – The Burlington w/ Swan King
July 17 – Baltimore, MD – The Sidebar w/ Ilsa, Gatecreeper, Die Choking*
* = no KEN Mode