First of all, let me get this out of the way. It’s weird to marry a bass. Sure, I’ve loved a bass. Maybe even slept with one. That slender neck. The contour of the body. But to take its name in matrimony? Dude, come on. This is a slippery slope and you’re skipping down it with an open bucket full of oil. Once we allow marriage to a bass, what’s next? Marrying bassists?
But it seems that’s the strange case of Zander Zon: not his birth name, obviously. Nope, he fell for that bass so hard, and took its name. Still, we have to look past that. Ignore how intimate he is with the strings. His total control, dominance even, as he handles the fingerboard.
Enjoy now, as he makes you “Hurt.”
p.s. In face you were wondering, yes, that is a high open tuning. According to his comments on the YouTube video, that Zon is tuned A, E, C, E. The bass model itself is a Zon VB4 and that weirdo bridge on it is made by ABM.
NuMetalGod / February 28, 2014 1:58 pm
Their kid will be a basstard.
NuMetalGod / February 28, 2014 2:00 pm
Sorry, too good to resist. Anyway my own technical inadequacy drove me to that snide comment, so meh.
Joel Sadiq / February 28, 2014 2:13 pm
This was pretty awesome. I don’t usually take the time to like the videos on youtube, but this one I had to. Zander did an awesome job, and I hope to hear more from him in the future!
K_aus_ / February 28, 2014 2:26 pm
Gnarly af
Blake Metzger / February 28, 2014 3:54 pm
This guy alone just made asking alexandria look like little bitches with all their technology & money (closer rendition). Far more original and giving merit to an already beautiful piece of music gold.
Jason / March 1, 2014 12:06 am
Somebody has been listening to Micheal Manring…