Our brothers at Metal Injection just posted this live playthrough video, Tidal Arms performing “Gooski’s Ladder.” The band tracked it live at their own recording studio, Spaceman Sound, in Brooklyn. This is partially notable because it was the same studio that they tracked their new self-titled album at.
I always appreciate a live playthrough because it quickly becomes apparent who can really nail their parts. I’ve seen a lot of videos that look impressive, but when all you’re hearing is the album mix who know what kind of dark studio wizardry went into the performance. Even the vocals on this video are dead on. And how massive is the tone from those Hiwatt Lead 30 heads and Sunn cabs? Also worth noting is how often drummer Fran Mark switches his snare arm.
In case you haven’t noticed, I dig this band. Their new record is one of my favorites of they year. So why not read an interview I did with guitarist/vocalist Tom Tierny a few weeks back. Most of my favorite interviews have been with musicians who have recorded their own records, and this one was no exception.
Osahma Ben'rapin / December 28, 2013 10:17 am
I really enjoyed this video. The playthrough is spot on and their overall sound is great. I see why you dig this band; and now I do as well.