We cover a whole lot of proggy, djenty, eight string American music on this website, but don’t often turn the spotlight on what’s happening in that branch of metal overseas. But as you might expect, guitar players all over the world are fascinated by the style that Sweden’s Meshuggah basically invented.
Modern Day Babylon are a band from the Czech Republic that really brings the chunk, which you can get a taste of below, in guitarist Tomáš Raclavský’s playthrough of the track “Falls” off the band’s new record The Ocean Atlas. He rocks a beautiful Skervesen guitar, which features one of the most interesting innovations in gear technology in recent years, the Evertune bridge (which if you are unaware, is a completely mechanically-operated bridge system that keeps your guitar in tune forever).
Check out the dramatically lit clip below, and grab Modern Day Babylon’s new disc here.
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